China Trademark Association Dialogue with INTA

China Trademark Association Dialogue

From 2018 Wei Xin has headed the  NTM East Asia & Pacific INTA sub-committee. An important achievement was the dialogue held in Beijing China in April 2019.

Attendees INTA Beijing China dialogue April 2019.

Attendees INTA Beijing dialogue April 2019. Wei Xin in red.

On April 23, 2019, INTA’s East Asia & Pacific Sub-committee of the Non-Traditional Marks Committee jointly hosted a discussion in Beijing in collaboration with the China Trademark Association. The topic was “Non-Traditional Marks: Different Approaches and Lessons Learnt in the Asia Pacific Region.”

Mr MA Fu, the President of the China Trademark Association, and Mr Seth Hays, the chief representative of INTA Asia, opened the event by thanking the attendees for giving up their time to participate.

Wei Xin,as sub-committee chair, introduced panel speakers from three jurisdictions: Australia; Japan; and Hong Kong SAR.

Each gave a presentation on the handling of NTM in their home jurisdiction.

Three speakers from China also presented on the same issues fro the China trademark perspective.

Open discussion followed the presentations and many attendees added their comments and asked follow up questions. Attendees commented that it was interesting that there were common approaches to Non-traditional trademarks in the attending jurisdictions but there were also noticeable differences in approach.

Overall it was a great opportunity for exchanging ideas on the protection of Non-Traditional marks. We believe that this discussion will contribute to the development of Non-Traditional marks in China.

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